In this first article of CastaÑas Pilongas we want to show you an important and famous place of our town, León, El Barrio Húmedo.
What is El Barrio Húmedo?It is an area located in the old part of town which congregates the most important and beautiful streets and squares conserved since the Roman Age.

These places are full of a great many of tapas bars, pubs, taverns and tipical Spanish food restaurants…
Together with the Gothic Cathedral it is the most famous and visited area of León. At lunchtime and in the afternoon, it is a meeting point for groups of friends, where they enjoy the young environment, drinking beer, wine, and tasting the famous
Spanish tapas (appetizers).
With the fall of night the fun and the best music arrive to León. El Barrio Húmedo gets decked out to welcome the young people from all the places of the town.
Also there are so many Irish and English pubs, which delight the international students! hahaha...
But why is it called
El Barrio Húmedo ("The Damp Area")
The origins of the term are not related with the weather of the town. The area is famous by the bars, the pubs, the taverns,...That is the reason why it has always been a zone to have something to drink.
The best music & the best environmentIn
El Barrio Húmedo are located a great many of pubs, if you are interested in a particular type of music don't worry, here you'll find it because there is something for everyone in this area, from the popular latin rhythms to the most exciting rock and heavy music. Some of the most popular pubs are
El Arena, Delirium, El Quijote, El Divino, El Loft and El Toro. And we can't overlook the famous
chupiterías (shot's bar), where you'll have to be careful if you don't want to come back home staggering along!!

At 5 am, when we are hungry and alcohol effects have gone, it's time to eat a sandwich or a kebab!!
And afterwards, even everybody is tired and dawn is coming, students still feel like dancing. Now it's time to go to
OH!, a famous disco located in the suburbs of the town, where the night ends in a exciting way.
Some famous festivitiesDuring the famous religious festivity of
Semana Santa, El Barrio Húmedo is a very crowded place. There is a typical expression politically incorrect nowadays , "Matar judíos" (to kill Jews), which means drinking a lot of limonada (a mix of red wine, citric fruits, cinnamon and sugar). In this festivity are popular the well-known and turistic procesiones (the adoration of saints in the streets). A very important one is the famous and amusing is
San Genarin (he was a drunk vagant who was killed by a garbage track) above all for drunks!!!

Curiosities & traditionsApart from the great festivities of León,
El Barrio Humedo, also has its own celebrations.
For example, in November there is a popular tradition which consists on a neighbour meeting in
San Martin Square. There the people have a good time tasting the well-known morcilla leonesa and drinking a good Spanish wine. Here you can make a virtual visit. if you visit our town you can’t forget to go to the traditional flea markets, full-up of strange and odd things!!!

As we can see
El Barrio Humedo is a charmed place which mixes perfectly the modern life with the historical Roman spirit. An area which will catch your attention from the first time.
By Pablo Reinoso & Rocío Rubio